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May 5, 2024
Acura Dealer Case Studies

Hyundai of Silsbee 3.5 Year Case Study

Hyundai of Silsbee 3.5 Year Case Study

Let’s get started with the 3 1/2 year case study for Hyundai of Silsbee! You are about to see well-documented, sustainable, transparent, consistent high conversion traffic, all generated from our Tier level Hyundai program. I have recorded this video in 4K, so please make sure your device is set to handle the highest resolution possible, we certainly want you to have the best experience. To protect the privacy of Hyundai of Silsbee, I have redacted or blurred all other inbound traffic providers, as this info can be sensitive to the dealership.


you look at the top of the video, you will see I have 5 tabs currently open in my browser, this first tab is showing the entire 3 1/2 years of Google Analytics data, starting on September 15, 2018, through February 2022. In the following tabs, we will go cumulatively, year by year as we progress through the case study. To start, for those of you that don’t know or are not aware, DealerLeads.com is one of our tech companies, this will be the line item that shows in the google analytics reporting, as this is the UTM code we pass on every click from all our online portals to the client’s website.

As we move through the columns contained in the report, we are going to focus on what I like to call the five main food groups, those are, number of sessions or shoppers sent to the website, the bounce rate, pages per session, session duration, and most importantly goal completions or goal conversion rate. Jennifer, can you give us a little in-depth lesson on the five food groups?

Sure thing, let’s start with sessions. This represents the total number of shoppers delivered to a website from any given traffic source, traffic providers use UTM codes in their links to notify google analytics that the shopper came from them. Now, bounce rate, let’s keep the math simple. Let’s say 100 sessions take place, with a 20% bounce rate. It means 80 of the 100 shoppers liked what they saw, or found what they were looking for, and the other 20 shoppers did not, so they left, or “bounced out”. Page sessions represent how many pages a shopper looked at on average. Session duration is the average time a shopper spent on the dealer’s website, and finally, goal conversions stand for how many CTA completions took place on any element being tracked.

Thanks, Jennifer, great information, let’s start at 2018, the first four months of the program, as the traffic ramps up, we were able to deliver just over 3500 sessions. We maintained a 30% bounce rate, FYI, I know it’s redacted, but that’s 2% under Google organic… Our customers are looking at just over three pages per session, spending just over three minutes on site. To summarize, the last quarter of 2018 ended with an average conversion rate of 2.98% compared to the dealer’s overall average of 1.99, nearly a full point higher. These numbers are solid!

Now thru the end of 2019, the program delivers just over 15000 sessions. Maintained a 24% bounce rate, our customers looking at just over three pages per session, spending 2 1/2 minutes on site. Ending 2019 with an average conversion rate of 2.93% compared to the dealer’s overall average of 1.59, 1 1/2 points higher than the dealer’s average. The numbers are still solid!

Now a quick run thru 2020, the program now has delivered just over 23000 sessions. Maintained a 24% bounce rate, customers are looking at almost three pages per session, spending 2 1/2 minutes on site. Ending 2020 with an average conversion rate of 3.31% compared to the dealer’s overall average of 2.02, 1 1/2 points higher than the dealer’s average. The program now showing its dominance!

Ok, now thru 2021, our Hyundai program now has delivered just over 32000 sessions. Still at 24% bounce rate, customers are looking at almost three pages per session, spending 2 1/2 minutes on site. Ending 2021 with an average conversion rate of 3.62% compared to the dealer’s overall average of 2.31, 1.3 points higher than the dealer’s average. The program clearly shows a sustainable level of quality traffic!

Just to reiterate where we started, the full 3 1/2 year birdseye view. The program cumulative total is now at over 34700 sessions. 25% bounce rate, three pages per session, and 2 1/2 minutes on site. Ending the full case study with an average conversion rate of 3.54% over the dealer average of 2.33.

This program shows strong dominance, delivers higher R O I, shows the same incredible results, regardless of brand, demographic, or budget. A truly sustainable level of quality traffic, and should be a staple in your digital marketing strategy! Thank you so much for your time and attention, we hope you enjoyed this informative case study.

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